Saturday, 8 November 2014

True Grit

Ay uP

So for this blog I thought I would show you photos from my research that are going towards works under the umbrella title 'True Grit'. These works will be anything from screen prints and mono lino prints to abstract paintings, photography, sound pieces and film.

The idea of the project is to set aside any restrictions in terms of medium used and to just go with ideas generated as a result of a physical interaction with the source.

In this case it will be the Peak District and its landscapes.

Gathering research can often be the best part of making work as it often changes any preconceptions one might have when starting a project. I often find it more interesting to see this when looking at other artists I like and follow. Seeing the final works are fantastic but as I am very inquisitive I often leave with questions along the lines of how they did it, where did it come from and could there be any techniques I would be interested in trying.

True Grit starts now and doesn’t have a set destination yet only to spark new works and experimenting with ideas.

So here are some research photos.


I hope to be upgrading my camera in the next few months so really looking forward to that. 
New prints will be available soon.


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