Saturday, 6 September 2014

Productive rainy days.

Ay uP

It has been a crazy few weeks with more on its way. 
The Arthur and Merlin film has really come to life and I am so proud to be along for the ride. What an amazing cast and crew with so much talent involved it hurts. I can't wait to bring you what I have been doing but I can't just yet (torture). So far I am pleased with what I have been able to capture using a canon 600d but now I am on a mission to upgrade into a more professional arena.
I have even built a savings box.


In the fact that I can't bring you any film shots yet I will show you something else.

Moby Dick
I have a new print available in my shop if you care to click  HERE 
Or find the link to the right of this page titled Shop.

Always learning.
Here are some fun shots taken around the house on a very rainy morning to get to grips with my 50mm Canon lens.
I hope you enjoy them.

Thats it for now. 

A new print is on its way soon and ill be off again to shoot more medieval action next week.
I can't wait.


Oh and,


Please look at the link to Phlegm on the right of this page.
What he has been up to in the last few weeks is phenomenal.
What a tallent and inspiration.


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